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Works for Adults
by Rose of Sharon

Testimonials from Readers like You:

You don’t have to be a poetry fan to love finding beauty in life. The work of Rose of Sharon reconnects readers to an omnipresence that reassures us of a world bigger than the daily hassles of a material world.


Her works for adults are ideal for Christians and/or nature lovers who enjoy reading about the world’s splendor. In fact, the author explains that her writings are like reading the Psalms: simple in concept, enjoyable, with no hidden meanings. Each poem brings a breath of fresh air, illuminates the path, shares a warm embrace… during each read. Her works remind the reader of the glorious aspects of wilderness that surround us all the time. Her unfussy writing seems to call us back into union with Mother Nature, where spirits are nurtured and restored. Experience the calming effect of this poetry after a hectic day or when you’re ready to relish in peace, hope and beauty.


“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”
- Mother Teresa of Calcutta


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Offerings-A Book of Poetry by Rose of Sharon provides connection to a lovely woman of faith. The poetry is an intimate view of connection to her personal experiences. A connection to history. A connection to the outdoors and the beauty of the world around us. A connection to her faith and the journey the Lord has placed upon her heart to capture His love through poetry.”

- Sara Lytle
Elementary school administrator

“Rose of Sharon is a beautiful soul who finds messages in trees and stars and sunshine —messages of love and life and God's work. Heartwarming and hopeful, this collection (her first) of Rose of Sharon's poems is a gift to treasure! May there be many more.”

- Cinda & Joe DeVet
Marriage and family life guides

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