About Rose of Sharon:
The Playful Poet and Author
Author Bio
I got a D in spelling on my report card in elementary school. My grammar is awful. My vocabulary is weak. I - use and (abuse) punctuation…in, all; the “wrong ways?” And that is just a short list of my writing challenges.
These are probably not the opening lines you expected to read on an author’s page. Though I have many writing deficiencies, I love to write and with God all things are possible, so here I am. It shows that anybody can be a writer, if you work hard and let God work though you.
As far back as I can remember, I have loved literature. I attribute that to my parents who were both avid readers. Some of my fondest memories were of my mom taking me on treasured trips to the library and my dad reading aloud to me, even into my teenage years. I loved climbing into our treehouse to dive into a new book, and I savored the challenge of trying to read more books than my friends did during the summer reading club contests.
My love of literature continued into adulthood, and slowly over the years, a gentle thought came to me that I could be one of those people who touched others’ lives via the written word. That I could (gasp) be an author! The more I pondered this option, the more I felt God calling me to write, and not just write, but to write for Him! What a daunting task! God planted the desire in me to share His love via the written word and I knew I needed to say “yes” to this vocation and trust that He would take care of all my writing deficiencies.

Catholic Radio interview
Q & A
What do you like to write?
Playground prose, prayerful posts and playful poems. Which is another way of saying children’s literature, faith reflections and poetry. Though I have written in other areas, these three are my favorites.
Why do you write?
To serve God and others, and to share the beauty of His creation and the joy of life with others. I also write because I love writing. I enjoy playing with words and being creative with my writing.
What inspires you?
I am mainly inspired when I am in nature, when I am in prayer or reading scripture. But really, most everything inspires me. I have been inspired to write while in a canoe, while reading the back of a cereal box, while playing a card game, when at a concert, and when taking a bath! I truly have no shortage of ideas on what to write. As a matter of fact, I have so many writing ideas that it can be crippling! Many times, I don’t know what to work on and what to set aside.
What have you published?
My writing has appeared in several magazines, I blog at Light of Love, and I have self-published several books, none of which are currently for sale. Offerings, A Book of Poetry is my first published book for sale.
What do you like to read?
I love to read children’s literature, though occasionally I read some adult books, mostly on spirituality.
Do you have any favorite authors?
Some of my favorite authors are Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House on the Prairie), Beverly Cleary (Ramona), Katherine Paterson (Bridge to Terabithia), Patricia MacLachlan (Sara, Plain and Tall), E.B. White (Charlotte’s Web), C.S. Lewis (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) and Shel Silverstein (Where the Sidewalk Ends).
I like to write; do you have any advice?
Read! Read a lot! I learn so much about writing through reading.
Write in a journal or diary every day. Have fun with your writing and play around.
Find other people who like to write or writing groups and hang out with them.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Most of my free time is spent enjoying time with family and friends. I also love camping, hiking, kayaking, swimming, tending our butterfly garden, playing table tennis, board games, puzzles, doodling with colored pens, and reading in my hammock. Basically, I love to be outside, and I love to play!